Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Movie Bonanza!

Our newest adventure is out! Brima and Steffeee's Super Dooper Movie Night. It was a hit! It was a blast! People will be talking about it for ages! Or at least heavily amused by it for a few days.

And what movies graced our dvd player for this super special Movie Night you might ask? Well good question! Just sit down and let your good friends Brima and Steffeee tell you.

First up was FernGully, a movie that has been on the list to watch for months now. What's this? You don't know what FernGully is? The very bottom line of it is: recylce. Its a movie about taking care of your earth, told through the witty and mezmorizing story of Cyrsta the Fairy, Zak the Human (that through a series of mishaps got shrunk to fairy size) and Hexxus, the evil being in our story, in the form of a disgusting nasty sludge.

^this is Hexxus. Terrifying isn't he?

Next up was Clerks II, a movie about.. well, Clerks. It's rather straightforward. A witty, slightly rounchy, movie well all you can do is sit there and think 'wow, are they really saying/doing this?' What's not to love?

Following that we went for a Cumby's run (Cumberland Farms). We think our 5 person group threw off Flirt. .. i mean Flint. He's the cashier at Cumby's, Flint's his name, and Flirts his game. We'll try and get a picture of him for next time.

Hamlet 2! Ever see it? Well you should. Its a movie about a down and out Drama Teacher who gets one last chance to make an even mildly good play, so he comes out with Hamlet 2. And yes, we are aware *everyone* dies at the end of Hamelt, but its okay, there's a time machine. So it's all fixed. Its a movie that you can't help but laugh at.

We shall take a break from the movie discriptions to look at a picture of our good friend Mully.
Don't you just love how he sparkles? and in case your wondering, hes, he *is* wearing a Batman Cape as well.

Now we shall saunter over to Oliver and Company, and i sure hope everyone's seen that one. A movie about a little kitty, Oliver, just trying to find a home. This one is also rather straightforward, but it's such a loveable movie that the simplicity of it is what makes it awesome.

Zombies! Gore! Random Sex Scenes! A Dog Named Chips! What could possibly have all of these in one movie? Well Dawn of the Dead of course! Steffeee is quite the Zombie fanatic, so of course she was the one that brought this movie. What's not to love about Zombies and a group of humans trapped in a mall as the world around them gets over run by the living dead?

The final movie was from Brima's personal movie library, SleepWalkers. This is perhaps the best, bad movie we've ever seen. None of it made any sense, and you laughed the entire way through this supposed 'scary movie'. This movie is filled with the 'SleepWalkers' going invisble, changing cars from one type to another, only being hurt by cats, having to suck our peoples souls, and bursting into flames from too many cat attacks. Did none of that make any sense? That's okay, it didn't make any sense to us either. Perhaps the best part in the entire movie is when the star cat, Clovis, runs up a tree to the second floor of the SleepWalkers house, PUNCHES a hole through the window, then sneaks in the attack. That's right, we said the cat PUNCHED a hole through the window. We highly suggest you check out this movie if you wanna see something truely horrible that you can laugh at.

Overall this was our best movie night yet, and definitely not the last. Let's leave you with some pictures of the night to entertain you with. A parting gift untill next time.

Domo Orgy!

People Orgy!

Patches, Brima's stuffed animal from when she was tiny. It's a cat if you need help identifying it

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